Friday, March 14, 2008

Know With Certainty

If still as waiting for some
To come
Then be like the dawn
That knows with such certainty of the arrival of the sun 
That it relaxes fully
Into surety of Being
Not fearing to die
For if one is eternity
What is there to fear?
How could there be death?
As it's been said
And trust Me
To this
All Are Wed
I Am
Is the Truth
And the Way
And the Life
Copyright (c) Divine Love c/o Michael Mayer 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it feels a bit funny responding to my "own" writing...but it got me thinking...with just one word omitted or mistranslated from history, what a difference it could make...i.e. "I am the life and the truth and the way" which in and of itself is beautiful and wholly that we all can and are here to claim our Divinity...and yet...what if...instead of this...what was really said...was/Is..."I Am....Is the Life and the Truth and the Way"? well then with this how could religion claim such a stake on a man and a people? it would simply, gently Be that All are a Part of this Light and Love...none below, none above...hmmm...not at all to take away from the awe-inspring life of One, Jeshua or westernly known as Jesus...but rather, even greater so to divulge what was/Is His Greatest Meaning...:)'s...mike:)